Tuesday, 11 December 2018

End Of Year

Hey y'all
Its been another great year here at Owairaka. Its been a really fun year of 2018, im would like to share some of my learning with you, hope to blog again. I  have learnt lots of new things and made lots of new freinds.My favourite part of 2018 was when we went to camp. I won a certificate.

Sunday, 9 December 2018

Making A Splash

On Friday, last week we had a Kauri big splash. We did really good in all the races and everyone gave it a try! Our class had won a few races. My favourite race was the Seal race and the Noodle tow.The races I did was the Seal race, Bucket relay and the Noodle tow.
 Bronson doing the bucket relay.
 Claire in the seal relay.
 Ebony and Phillp in the clothes relay. 
 Jadarose  doing the bucket relay.
   All the Kauri classes doing under over.